Energy East Next Steps

Next Steps poster

Come to this meeting to get involved in's high-impact anti-pipeline campaign. We'll be making a strategy, giving people roles, planning concrete next steps, and build a winning team!

Afterall, the month of applications will be over by Friday. 

We're now planning how to build power between now and when they reject our applications. 

Everybody's input, ideas, critiques, advice, and suggestions are welcome as we hash out ideas about how to move forward as effectively as possible.

Everyone is welcome. Invite your friends on fb.

March 06, 2015 at 6:00pm - 8pm
OISE Room 5260
252 Bloor W
Toronto, ON M5R
Google map and directions
Lila Asher Suhail Barot Heenas L Fish Sp Grady Katie Krelove Zarin Tasnim Amanda Lewis Brian Young Melina Trimarchi Jo Cushman Natalie Petra Amanda Harvey-Sanchez Keara Lightning Stu Bsden Klim Khomenko Calum Csunyoscka Jade Wong Sam Harrison Ben Donato-Woodger Margaret Rose Jacqueline Burgoyne

Who's RSVPing

Lila Asher
Suhail Barot
Heenas L Fish
Sp Grady
Katie Krelove
Zarin Tasnim
Amanda Lewis
Brian Young
Melina Trimarchi
Jo Cushman
Natalie Petra
Amanda Harvey-Sanchez
Keara Lightning
Stu Bsden
Klim Khomenko
Calum Csunyoscka
Jade Wong
Sam Harrison
Ben Donato-Woodger
Margaret Rose
Jacqueline Burgoyne

Will you come?

