

Executive Positions

The President is responsible for strategic direction and leadership, fundraising, and allyship.  Contact [email protected]

The Treasurer takes care of financial responsibilities.  Contact [email protected]

The Administrative Coordinator keeps track of behind-the-scenes things.  Contact [email protected]

The Communications Coordinator oversees media, online, and creative work.  (Currently seeking applicants)

The Volunteer Coordinator oversees group dynamics, training, and new members.  Contact [email protected]

The Research Coordinator helps to develop and share materials relevant to campaigns and operations. Contact [email protected]

Campaign Leads

Read more about each campaign on their sections of the website, and let the Campaign Lead know if you want to get involved!

For Divest UofT,  [email protected]

For Divest Ryerson, [email protected]

For Divest OTPP, [email protected]

For StepUp Canada, [email protected]

For Pipelines, contact [email protected]


For detailed duties of each Executive Position, see

