We're excited for the March for Jobs, Justice and the Climate that will bring tens of thousands to the streets of Toronto on July 5th. At Toronto350 we're working hard and playing hard to make sure this march is as effective as possible—building vibrant art installations, organizing events, coordinating volunteers, and doing all the things that will allow the people of Toronto to make history.
Leaders from across the Americas will be in town for the Climate Summit just a few days later, and we want to be there to send a message loud and clear: Now is the time to take action for Jobs, Justice and the Climate!
Wanna help out? Then sign up below and we'll be in touch. As a side effect, you'll be connected with a thriving community of passionate, intelligent, and creative people from diverse walks of life—the people who make up Toronto350.org.
Sign Up for One of Three Marshall Trainings to Volunteer on the Day of the March here