We're going to Ottawa for the 100% Possible March for Climate Solutions and Justice on November 29th! JOIN US
Purchase online tickets for our return bus from Toronto-Ottawa
Want to pay in cash? Contact Bus Captain Suhail Barot: [email protected]
For more information about the 100%Possible march sign up on the website: www.100possible.ca
A consensus is growing around the world that the transition to a 100% clean energy economy by 2050 is not only necessary to solve the climate crisis, it’s 100% possible. It's a vision for a healthy, diverse economy with low-carbon jobs, that respects Indigenous rights, and stops growing the tar sands and building new pipelines. It will lead to a safer, more sustainable, and more just future, for everyone.
That's why this November 29, Toronto350.org is part of a massive coalition to organize a march in our nation's capital and send a clear message to our new government. On the eve of their first international meeting - the high profile UN climate summit in Paris - It's time the politics of climate action caught up with the science of what's necessary.
Please join us on November 29 in Ottawa for 100% Possible: Marching Together for Climate Solutions and Justice. Let's show our new government that solutions to the climate crisis are not only real, they're already on their way.