Toronto350 members recognize that acting on the climate emergency means acting for climate justice - ethical, economic and social justice.
The interconnected crises we face - inequity, pollution, food scarcity, species extinction - show the widespread and urgent changes needed. It is clear that effective action for any one of these crisis requires action for all of them! Caring for the planet, the amazing diversity of life on it and one another is imperative.
The climate movement itself has a history of exclusion and environmental racism - it functions within and reflects a white-supremist, colonial system where power and privilege jeopardizes the health and wellbeing of BIPOC people and the planet.
These traits must be actively named and addressed ongoing, for so many reasons - to create safe, inclusive meeting spaces, to show true solidarity with those on the frontlines, to listen for and respond to calls for actions from different communities, and ultimately, to create and maintain a liveable world for all. Together, we have the strength to demand and craft a more just, sustainable world.
For recent and ongoing actions related to climate justice see: Our Actions - Climate Justice - Ongoing Actions.
The Climate Justice Neighbourhood Mapping project is underway - take a look and maybe find your neighbourhood or make a suggestion for who we might talk to next.
As a group, we have ongoing work to do and we welcome the opportunity to learn and change.
From the blog....