As part of a global call for actions on climate justice, the Toronto People's Assembly on Climate Justice 2015 will bring together activists, organizations, people from all walks of life for an open forum to discuss community-based responses to the climate crisis. This event is also a direct response to the 2015 United Nations Conference of the Parties talks on the climate in Paris (November 30th to December 11th), and seeks to find alternatives outside of government and industry initiatives, which have served the interests of the rich, rather than people today or our collective future.
Several People’s Assemblies on the Climate were held in Toronto between 2010 and 2012. This 2015 gathering seeks to re-catalyze, revitalize, and revision strength for our collective fight for climate justice.
The Toronto People's Assembly on Climate Justice will feature workshops, panels, and assemblies on themes include analyzing climate issues through lenses of race, class, migration & war, gender, health & food justice, local issues of municipal accountability, divestment, anti-capitalist alternatives, and indigenous land rights, sovereignty & solidarity.
For more information check out the facebook event.
170 College St
rear of building
Toronto, ON M5T 1P7
Google map and directions