Welcome 2015. It’s that time of year where everyone contemplates our insecurities and worries about how we can be better versions of ourselves.
Toronto350.org encourages you to make joining the climate movement your New Years Resolution.
We could be facetious and sell it as a way to accomplish many new years resolutions at once! Our monthly potlucks will mean you’ll be eating healthy food. Our friendly, supportive community means you’ll feel good about yourself--which is unlike most New Years Resolutions. And our banner-making, marches, and maybe even direct actions will make you fit!
New Years Resolutions are silly, but also how we culturally ask ourselves what we want to change. Individual goals are cute. Collective goals are transformative.
Chances are you’ve heard of Naomi Klein’s 2014 book-buster, This Changes Everything. Its point is worth finishing the year with. Our only hope of solving the climate crisis is to build a mass movement big, diverse, and powerful enough to change the course of history. We can only do this by uniting social justice, indigenous justice, racial justice, labour justice, and environmental justice struggles together to change society at every level.
As Klein points out, climate change makes winning all of our fights together existential for our collective survival. And we don’t have much time left.
We need you in 2015. Canada will have a federal election. Energy East will be reviewed by the National Energy Board. UofT’s Governing Council will vote on fossil fuel divestment. The biggest UN Climate Conference is rushing upon us in Paris 2015. We can’t win these struggles without you.
See you at a meeting soon. (email [email protected] ;)