One month from now, thousands of Canadians from across the country will come together in Quebec City for the Act on Climate March. Dressed in red, we’ll march through Quebec and form a giant thermometer to signal how close we are to reaching catastrophic temperatures.
And we need you to join us now more than ever.
Remember when Canada used to be an environmental leader? In 1987 we were instrumental in pushing forward the Montreal Protocol that combated ozone depletion. In 1988 we hosted the first international scientific conference on climate change. And in 1991, we persuaded a reluctant United States to sign the Acid Rain Treaty to rein in transnational air pollution and its impacts.
But then we backed out of Kyoto. We’re expected to miss our 2020 emissions targets. We have pipeline proposals coming out of our ears, yet we know that expanding tar sands infrastructure only exacerbates our global warming crisis.
On April 14, 2015, the Council of the Federation, made up of provincial and territorial premiers, will meet in Quebec City to discuss climate change. Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard called the summit in anticipation of the UN’s Climate Change Conference in Paris in December. He hopes this summit will “pave our way to the Paris conference of 2015 with concrete commitments.”
Let’s make sure the council knows that we not only expect concrete commitments out of this summit, but that we’ll be holding them accountable to their commitments. No more backing out. No more tepid plans that dissolve when it’s time to see them through.
This means we not only need firm commitments from the Council. We need stringent and ambitious ones too.
Let’s show the world that Canada stands for more than what the Harper government represents. Let’s find the Canada that made the Montreal Protocol happen. Let’s define an actionable climate strategy and meet our emissions reduction targets.
Take a stand with us in Quebec City on April 11, 2015 and help us show the world and Canada's politicians that Canadian citizens won’t stand for inertia!
RSVP Here and Join the Movement!
About the Act on Climate March
The Act on Climate March is a joint effort of a coalition of numerous stakeholders from across the country, including and spearheaded by Quebec’s environmental movement. We’ve done our best to make transportation accessible by organizing buses from cities throughout Canada and the northern United States. We’ve also arranged low-cost accommodation for April 11th to make the march accessible to as many as possible.
Click here for further details.