NO MORE PIPELINES: A Rally for Climate Justice!
Join us for a youth-led RALLY across from the office of Minister Chrystia Freeland, Vice Chair, Cabinet Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Energy.
Send a strong message to the Liberal Government: No New Pipelines and a just transition to a clean economy for all workers!
Show support for First Nations and others fighting climate change!
Hear great youth speakers and performers!
Sign our massive letter to the government!
Buy a samosa or apple and help raise funds for Red Cross emergency support for fire-displaced residents of Alberta.
Part of a two-week global wave of Break Free actions (
Organized by the Toronto Youth Environmental Council in partnership, Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice, ClimateFast, Council of Canadians (Toronto), KAIROS Centre/East Toronto and the United Church of Canada - Toronto Southeast Presbytery Social Justice Project.