Film Screening: Directly Affected

directyaffected.jpgOn July 11, we will be screening the film "Directly Affected," a documentary film by Zack Embree and the Raincoast Conservation Foundation.

Directly Affected: Pipeline Under Pressure weaves together the stories of people impacted by the Trans Mountain Pipeline Project, the broken National Energy Board review process used to approve the pipeline, Canada’s commitments at the Paris Climate Talks and the innovators working towards the low-carbon economy.

This event is part of our ongoing resistance against #KinderMorgan and our duty to get the truth about climate, indigenous rights, and a just transition out to the public. Anyone and everyone is welcome, as always!

The film will be shown at Friends House, 60 Lowther, Toronto, on Wednesday, July 11 at 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

#StopKM #IndigenousRights #ParisAgreement #ProtecttheInlet #UNDRIP#FPIC #ClimateJustice #WaterisLife

