Morning Storm

As the devastating impacts of climate change mount, as we continue our climate justice work and amid the general, cumulative climate anxiety, it's time for another poem. This is the second instalment in T0350's creative series. 

"Morning Storm," a poem by Colleen Lynch, is about some of the feelings connected with our relationship to the environment and our awareness of environmental crisis.

It was first presented at a conference hosted by the Elliott Allen Institute for Theology and Ecology at the University of St. Michael’s College (Toronto) that took place on November 11th, 2021 and first published on Trick of Light.

I'm always grateful for the photos made available on Pexels and UnSplash and even though it's optional, I like to give credit to the awesome photographers. Here's the list of credits from the video. They are all from  Pexels: Slide 1: Photo by Min An, Slide 3: Photo by Victor Freitas, Slide 4: Photo by Kelly L, Slide 5: Photo by Pixabay, Slide 6: Photo by Kat Smith, Slide 7: Photo by katja, Slide 8: Photo by Markus Spiske, Slide 9: Photo by Sitthan Kutty.

