Join Fridays for Future Toronto’s next global climate strike online! In light of COVID-19, in order to protect our communities and families, the event has moved online. See Fridays for Future Toronto’s formal response to COVID-19 here.
For details and ongoing updates, check the Facebook Event page: April 3rd Online Global Strike for Climate Justice. Green New Deal. Green New Decade.
One way to join in safely right from where you are on April 3rd, as you practise social-distancing, is to post pictures and videos of your at-home climate action to social media. You could include any signs you make or safe, creative activities that you are able to undertake.
Tag Fridays for Future:
- Instagram: @fridaysforfutureto
- Twitter: @TOforfuture
In the next week, there are also a few ways to get involved virtually:
Online Teach-Ins:
March 29th, 12-1:30: Online Sign-Making Party
March 31st: Climate and Labour
April 2nd: Indigenous Self-Determination and COVID-19
With the emergence of COVID-19, we see that healthcare cutbacks, inadequate social infrastructure and a continued focus on extractive industries, leave us unsafe. Vulnerable groups already impacted most by both an unequal society and the climate emergency, like precarious workers, Indigenous communities and migrant workers, are endangered even more. Those on the front lines, like care-givers and health-care workers, are also at risk.
Our society is currently unprepared for large-scale health emergencies, including the climate and biodiversity emergencies, which increase viral spread, lead to extreme heat and compromise air quality. We need to see the changes necessary to protect everyone, take urgent action on the climate and create a Just Transition. Changes like those proposed in the Green New Deal.
As Avi Lewis says in the editorial, “In the midst of converging crises, the Green New Deal is the answer,” March 15, 2020,
“...the response to this period of converging crises is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the federal government to initiate a reset of our economy and society, putting Canada on a path toward zero emissions, and bringing immediate material benefits and enhanced, 21st century universal public services to everyone – prioritizing Indigenous, racialized and working class communities – that is, the people who need them most.
In other words, this is the ideal moment for Canada to launch the decade of the Green New Deal….an unprecedented public investment in a justice-based transition that creates a vast number of well-paying (preferably unionized) jobs, solves our crises in housing, crumbling infrastructure, health and education, inadequate transit, and deep inequality.”
Hope to see you online April 3rd!
For up-to-date information on COVID-19 from the city, see