Premiers and Pipelines

On April 14th, Canada's premiers will meet in Quebec to strike a deal on a cross-Canada Energy Strategy -- and the current plan would fast-track dangerous tar sands expansion pipelines like Energy East.

We need to tell Canada's premiers that climate leadership and tar sands expansion don't mix.

Only a deal that keeps 85% of the tar sands under ground will be able to meet Canada's climate obligations. We need to be winding down pipelines, not building more of them.  

Canada can't lead on climate and dig up the tar sands. Big Oil is already planning at least five tar sands export pipelines, including the massive Energy East project, and if they get their way they'll dig up enough dirty tar sands oil to blow away Canada's climate goals.

Sign this petition to stop the fast-tracked pipeline deal, and we'll deliver it to their meeting in April.


If Canada is building more pipelines, it means we're producing more tar sands oil, which means we're not keeping our climate promises. Reject any Canadian Energy Strategy that includes more tar sands development.

Who's signing

Declan Davis
Kim Allerton
Richard Allerton
Nora Wilson
Julianne Kryla
Dorothy Hirlehey
Chris Matzner
Judy Gilbert
Raymond Nakano
Michelle Bode-Simeunovich
Chris Owens
Karlis Hawkins
Dwight Gordon
Aleksandar Serafimovski
Brenna Owen
Karen Keating
Susan Schellenberg
Lauren Crickmore
Lynda Marshall
Douglas Norris
Anna Lermer
Mary C
Brandon Love
Shelly Madden
Diane Beckett
Alan Fok
Alex Seifred
124 signatures

Will you sign?

