Does the Throne Speech Show the Intention To...

1) Put people's HEALTH & WELLBEING first. No exceptions.

Protect the Environment:
Air, Water, Land, Animals, Plants, Biodiversity/Ecosystems, Climate

Take care of everyone:
Shelter (affordable, green, retrofitted housing), Food (sovereignty, security), Care-giving (health and social services i.e. community-led health, safety and social programs, safety of frontline workers)

Note: The Climate Crisis _is_ a health crisis!

2) Strengthen the SOCIAL SAFETY NET and provide relief directly to people.

Strengthen Communities:
Healthcare, Education, Income Supports, Progressive Taxes

Enable Positive Change:
Migrant Rights (status for all), Gender Equity, Disability Justice….

Promote Racial Justice:
Including Implement the recommendations of the Parliamentary Black Caucus

Note: Climate measures should reduce inequality and improve conditions for vulnerable, and especially racialized, communities.

3) Prioritize the needs of WORKERS & COMMUNITIES.

Value Everyone’s Contribution:
Rights, Protections, Equity, Income, Improved Conditions (especially for low-wage, low-carbon workers in care and service industries)

Help others Work Together for the Good of All:
Transition plans, Care economy investments

Note: We need a swift transition to green jobs and a green economy, retraining for oil workers and full status for migrants.

4) BUILD RESILIENCE to prevent future crisis.

Make Plans that Serve the Long-term:
Climate accountability through legislation, regulations, targets and goals

Follow up with Appropriate, Effective Action:
Zero-emission transportation, zero-emission buildings, retrofits, transition to renewable energy, nature-based solutions, end fossil fuel subsidies, no bail-out for harmful industry/hold industry accountable 

Note: We need to divest from fossil fuels and invest in infrastructure to withstand the climate crisis. This includes a plan for inclusive, equitable, green communities that centres the needs and rights of people and planet.

5) BUILD SOLIDARITY and equity across communities, generations, and borders.

Share Resources Fairly and Cooperate:
International Climate Finance, Fair Green Trade Agreements, Technology Transfer to the Global South

Show Responsibility for Others:
Youth Empowerment, Long-Term Care, Migrant Rights, Human Rights

Note: This includes committing to 60% CO2 reduction by 2030 and net zero well before 2050, contributing fairly to the reduction of worldwide emissions and a global transition. It also means preparing for climate refugees.

6) Uphold INDIGENOUS RIGHTS and work in partnership with Indigenous peoples.

Respect the Rights of Others:
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), self-determination/sovereignty, recognize and uphold laws, values, customs and traditions, defund TransMountain Expansion Pipeline (TMX) and the Coastal Gaslink Pipeline, end drinking water advisories, recognize and support Indigenous land guardians and protected areas, ownership & equitable partnership in renewables

Take Appropriate Responsibility for Actions and Make Reparations:
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action” and “Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls”, sustained investment in Indigenous communities and Indigenous-led solutions 

***The climate emergency leaves people behind. Does the speech indicate the intention to include all people in a just, green recovery? If not, it does not make the grade.


