Join us at Beit Zatoun in Toronto as we welcome two Oceti Sakowin (Youth?) Runners from Standing Rock who are crossing the country spreading the news about the on-going Protection of Land and Water in mid-west Turtle Island, where Peoples from across the Land and Around the World have come together in Solidarity.
This will be a Fundraiser evening with a Silent Auction, and local artists, both musicians and spoken word.
Admission: suggested $10 or PWYC
Room size fits about 100, maybe less, with Auction Tables.
We are scrambling to pull this together, after just learning about this opportunity to meet with these Runners, and so we need everyone to help us with this.
Please let us know what items you can bring in for the Silent Auction, try to keep them environmentally themed if you can, and / or First Nations:
* jewelry
* posters
* books
* art work
* services
* baskets of items
Use your imagination
We have a couple of artists already lined up, but we may need a couple more .... do you have a song or a poem about the environment, or about govt corruption, Native or not, that you would like to share? Let us know!
We graciously thank Robert at Beit Zatoun for accepting this last minute call out for a venue.