Fossil Banks No Thanks: A Day of Action

On January 29th, Climate Pledge Collective is running an event called Fossil Banks No Thanks along with For Our Kids to bring their demands to as many branches as possible. 

TO350 encourages everyone to participate! We are planning to join in on January 29th with some of our own socially distanced actions. Stay tuned for more details, signs & shareables.


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A Letter by A Toronto350 Member

Dear Premier Ford,

Hoping to avoid any misunderstanding between us, I will use your vernacular and COVID terminology to discuss the climate crisis with you. I am hoping that by using a communication style you have created, my message will be clear to you.


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Letter for A Strong Climate Accountability Act

The government has taken an important step with the Climate Accountability Act, Bill-C12. However, the act needs to be stronger to support an effective climate plan and ensure that our country holds fast to its commitments, working to keep global temperature rise to 1.5°C. 
The more people who contact Government Ministers and MPs and express an interest in a strengthened Climate Accountability Act the better! Here is a letter from Toronto350 members. Consider adapting it for your own letters to MP's or pulling points from it and writing letters to the editor (some how-tos at the end of this post).

Photo by Karsten Würth on Unsplash

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Action at All Levels

Both the provincial and federal levels of government are failing to truly address the emergencies we face. While we have heard relatively progressive words at the federal level, in the Throne Speech and the recent Fall Economic Statement, actions do not support these words. They do not go far enough fast enough. They leave a gaping, industry-sized hole apparent across different legislation and in all current plans.

In fact, Canada is still supporting fossil fuel in a major way. The country ranks worst of the OECD countries in the G20 Scorecard for ending funding for fossil fuels, and the Production Gap Report cites Canada as one of the leading providers of fossil fuel producer subsidies. A loan guarantee was even given to Keystone XL as part of the COVID recovery package!


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Why BankSwitch? Why Now?

Toronto350 supports the BankSwitch initiative that is ongoing now! Read on to see how it works and how to sign up.

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Sound the Alarm Call to Action

People all across the world have been waking up to alarms, health warnings and evacuation alerts because of wildfires, storms, flooding and dangerous air quality. They couldn't ignore the climate crisis and neither should our politicians. 

That’s why, the morning of the Trans Mountain crown corporation annual meeting, we’re sounding the alarm.

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A Just Recovery Doesn't Include Billions for Fighter Jets


To all Canadians,

Our government in Ottawa proposes to order 88 fighter jets at a cost of over $19 billion. This comes at a time when we are investing in a recovery from CoVID-19 and aiming to slow down the effects of climate breakdown. Therefore, only projects which sustain the health, safety, and well-being of people and the planet can be justified in these difficult times.

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Indigenous Rights Call-Out From West to East

When the Truth and Reconciliation report was released in 2015, many saw it as a chance to finally acknowledge the past and move forward together in a harmonious relationship with the Indigenous peoples on whose land we live and work. Fast forward to five years later and while the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to threaten peoples’ health and disrupt their lives, industry is pushing ahead with projects that disregard Indigenous rights, including the right to Free, Informed and Prior Consent. From east coast to west coast, we continue to see racist harassment and violence directed against Indigenous people, often in the name of land and resource theft. Government is complicit in these ongoing acts of colonial violence whether they support industry outright or stand aside and do nothing. Both stances are an abdication of duty. They are the continuation of a genocidal Canadian protocol that puts profits above the health and wellbeing of Indigenous communities, valuing industrial projects more than human rights.

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Throne Speech Promises Broken Already

Well, that was fast.

On September 23rd, we heard the speech from the throne in which the Liberal government promised many things with many nice words. A lot of those promises centred on environmentalism and upholding Indigenous rights. Yet here we are, only a week later, and already it feels like weve been fed a bunch of lies yet again.

photo: janrune-smenes-reite

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Climate Action Week

We're in the week of climate justice action let by Fridays for Future here in Toronto! You can find a compendium of events at

On Tuesday September 22nd, a few activities mark the Fridays for Future pillar, Livable Futures for All.

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