A Look at Ontario's New Environment Plan

As the IPPC report, the recent Lancet report on health and climate change and others show, we are in a climate emergency and have very few years left to act, to keep global temperatures from warming over 1.5°C. Every incremental temperature increase matters, bringing with it more disastrous effects, such as life-threatening heat waves and extreme weather. As the environmental commissioner writes in her 2018 report, Climate Action in Ontario: What’s Next (ER Report), ”if we continue at current global emission rates, the toddlers of today will see severe, widespread and irreversible impacts, far beyond what they may be able to adapt to….Every tonne counts, and every action matters.”1


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Toronto350 Stages a Die-in in Solidarity with Extinction Rebellion

climateismurder.jpegOn November 17th, the People’s Assembly for Climate Justice held a day long event with workshops, panels and break-out sessions on topics that included Indigenous Sovereignty and Self-determination, Labour and Economics and Sustainable Alternatives. During lunch hour, in solidarity with the social movement  RiseUp Uk and Extinction Rebellion, a group led by Brian Young for Toronto350 staged a die-in. See the group, along with Jasper the dog, in the pictures below. 

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The Trans Mountain Expansion Pipeline and the National Interest

"How do you tell a politician is lying?  It easy, their lips are moving. Always a dead giveaway. Point is, fact check everything the Politicians, the media and I tell you.  
In August, the Federal Court of Appeal ruled that consultation with First Nations about the Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline (TMX) was inadequate. They also ruled that the National Energy Board did not include an assessment of increased tanker traffic on endangered orca whales and marine life. Despite this setback, the federal government is committed to getting the pipeline built as quickly as possible. They insist that the project, despite the disastrous impacts it would have on the climate and environment, is in the National Interest, citing job creation and economic benefits. In fact, the pipeline doesn’t make economic sense either! To continue in Sean’s words….
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Neighbours Deliver IPCC Climate Report to MPs


On Wednesday the 24th, members of Toronto350.org and other informed citizens dropped the UN’s new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report off at their MPs offices, along with a pledge to propose, champion and support climate action in line with the urgency called for by climate science. 
While some MPs not in central Toronto, like my MP in York South-Weston, likely didn’t receive many visitors, some MPs were visited by several groups during the day! Toronto350.org member, Cassie Norton, recounts her experience below.
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The IPCC Report and Climate Action

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released its special report on the impacts of climate change at 1.5°C and 2°C.

The results are clear - if the world keeps warming below 1.5°C, it will prevent an already dire situation from becoming so much worse. Among other impacts, ocean acidification, forest fires, falling crop yields, heat deaths and the spread of vector-borne disease all increase as the temperature rises.

As Hans-Otto Pörtner, Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group II articulates, Every extra bit of warming matters, especially since warming of 1.5ºC or higher increases the risk associated with long-lasting or irreversible changes, such as the loss of some ecosystems.”1

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Environmental Commissioner's New Report Asks What's Next for Climate Action in Ontario

Since Ontario saw its new government instated, climate action in Ontario has been disrupted. At the same time, some of the most recent reports show that we have as little as 10 years to stop using fossil fuels and that emissions must be on a decided downward trend by 2020 - just fifteen months. The need for effective, targeted and immediate climate action is critical. We must speak up for good climate plans and demand accountable climate action from government. 

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Toronto350 Part of Global Climate Day of Action

globe_sign_action.pngOn Sept. 8, Toronto 350, along with hundreds of thousands of people across the world, lead Toronto in a Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice rally. Concerned citizens came together to demand that Canada’s political leaders commit to a just and fossil-free future that places people and the planet over profits, days before the Global Climate Action Summit began in San Francisco.
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Elizabeth May Petition to Oppose Trans Mountain Expansion Pipeline (TMX)

At the rally on September 8th, the speakers mentioned follow-up actions that we can take to discourage further fossil fuel development and make way for a swift transition to renewables. One helpful action is signing the petition Elizabeth May has put forward to be read in the House of Commons. The more signatures the better! Please see the information below and pass it on to your friends and family.
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Labour Groups

Toronto 350 enjoys its relationship with labour organizations, so we were proud to be in this year’s 20,000-strong Labour Day parade. We held a banner made by the $15 & Fairness Campaign, with a call to
“Raise Wages, Not The Seas”. We are part of both the $15&F Campaign, as well as the Good Jobs for All Coalition, which is made up of labour, community justice and environmental organizations. We support
just transitions for workers out of the fossil fuel sector, as well as raising wages for those in needed, low-carbon jobs in health, education and social services.
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Toronto’s Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice rally, on Saturday 8th, is coming up fast!

On the map, at riseforclimate.org hundreds of events are filling up the continents! From the Californian coast to Papua New Guinea, from South Africa to Iceland, thousands of people are rising up to tell their local leaders they want a swift and fair transition to a fossil free world. The events include concerts, aerial photographs, sit-ins, screenings, forums and lemonade stands. They take place at community centres, libraries and public squares. This is creative, grassroots action, for the people by the people!

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